Beauty Tips

Everyday Causes of Clogged Pores

Why washing your face or using a DIY mist is essential after these activities

Written by: 100% PURE ®

Woman wiping sweat off of her face with a towel

Like lightning, a breakout can strike seemingly anywhere or any time. Pimple preparedness tools can fight back against breakouts, to get our clear complexions up and running again. But before we work out the effect, we’ll need to determine our risk factors.

While a lot of us can cringe and bear it, others will do anything to avoid clogged pores: the precursor to pimples. In this post, we’re highlighting some non-routine occasions to wash your face – or if you can, use a DIY facial mist to keep skin clear.

Grab your cleanser and get ready to wash after these everyday habits – we’ll help you avoid clogged pores while setting you on the path to a clear complexion.

Wash Your Face After These 4 Activities to Prevent Clogged Pores

Pimples have a head of their own, popping up out of nowhere before we can fight back. There are a variety of causes for clogged pores, from the products we use to yard work. Hormones aside, there are triggers we have control over – like washing (or not washing) our face. However, washing your face doesn’t need to be reserved for just morning or night.

Woman washing her face with a foaming cleanser

If you would do anything to avoid a breakout, these are some activities or occasions where you’re going to need to wash your face to maintain a clear complexion. Something as simple as a swipe of , a , or a will do the trick!

Some people may not take the extra washing as seriously – and that’s okay too. Just bear in mind that your risk for a breakout may be higher after any one of these activities!

#1: Using Product Samples or In-Store Makeup

Especially in our current world, you should refrain from dipping fingers into product testers to use on your face. The outside and inside of those containers are a haven for bacteria. We’d recommend avoiding all in-store and beauty counter makeup testers for now – if you want to try a product, ask an associate to help you.

In the best of times, using makeup testers can be a breeding ground for germs – especially in busy beauty shops where associates can’t sanitize as fast as customers use them. If you’re going to sample, avoid testers for the lips and around the eyes, and use disposable applicators.

As soon as you have the chance after sampling makeup, wash your face! This will help shorten the time that bacteria has to clog your pores.

#2: Working Out or Breaking a Sweat

Don’t let the fear of clogged pores or breaking out deter you from those squats and planks – it’s key for stress relief and sustainable health. Working out may leave you with sore muscles, but it’s not the culprit of breakouts. Same is true for other sweat-inducing activities such as hauling grocery bags, spring cleaning, or chasing toddlers around.

Breakouts occur by letting all the sweat mixed with any dirt and oil sit on your skin, which allows bacteria to proliferate and cause clogged pores. For clearer skin, you’ll want to maintain proper hygiene during and after excessive sweating, such as dabbing sweat with a clean towel, , or washing your face afterwards with a gentle cleanser.

#3: Working Outdoors

With summer on the horizon, more people are outdoors sprucing up their backyards or prepping gardens for a side of summer squash. Whatever type of yard work or gardening you’re doing, these activities can be a precursor to clogged pores.

The combination of sweating, dirt and dust get kicked into the air, and sticky sebum creates perfect conditions for clogged pores. To avoid a breakout while you’re breaking a sweat outdoors, you’ll want to treat it right and head straight to the sink to wash away those impurities.

#4: Wearing a Mask

Finally, it’s important to wash your face after wearing a mask to prevent clogged pores. A lot of new terms have been coined the last couple of years, and one of those is maskne. Yes, that’s acne that results from wearing masks.

Friction from face masks can irritate skin and potentially clog pores or worsen existing breakouts. Plus, when we wear masks for an extended period of time, the skin barrier can become compromised. Unfortunately, this can result in clogged hair follicles, increased sebum production, and changes in the skin’s microbiome, leading to breakouts.

When you get home after a day (or an hour) of wearing a mask, add our and to your relaxation repertoire. Our refreshing tea tree foaming cleanser instantly calms acnegenic skin while clarifying impurities and clogged pores.

Wind down at the end of your day with our ultra-concentrated . Packed with curative and detoxifying herbs, tea tree, French green clay, salicylic acid, and more, this soothing mask is perfect for deeply purifying oily and acnegenic skin.

Check out our posts on maske tips and more maskne tips for more advice on how to prevent maskne!

Woman outdoors with a mask on to protect from pollution

Reasons to Use a DIY Purifying Spray

Let’s face it: there are situations where it’s not always convenient to wash our face. Whether you’re faced with environmental pollutants or household cleaners, it’s not always easy to get to a sink to save our skin. But it’s important to have something that does: enter DIY purifying spray!

For a quick and cleansing spritz, a facial mist is the perfect pick-me-up for a clearer complexion. If you would do anything to avoid a breakout, these are some pore-clogging culprits you’ll want to nip in the bud with a refreshing facial mist.

#1: Cleaning with household cleaners

Scrubbing showers and countertops is key for busting dirt, germs, and grime. But when used in confined areas of the home, heavy-duty cleaning products can wreak havoc on delicate skin. Besides the harsh cleaner smells that linger, some of these chemical irritants could also linger on your skin.

A DIY facial spray can work double duty by helping to detoxify any potential pore-clogging residue, and freshen up your skin for a clearer complexion. When cleaning with any household cleaner, it’s good practice to set up cross-ventilation by opening a window, or using a fan once you’re done.

#2: Being exposed to high amounts of pollution

For those living in densely-populated areas, you know that city air isn’t a cakewalk for your skin. Whether you’re trekking around in a big city or sitting in traffic with your windows down, your skin will be more vulnerable to clogged pores. This is due to the higher-than-normal concentrations of smog, cigarette smoke, or pollution in busy areas.

When a sink or exit isn’t handy, a DIY facial spray is the perfect companion for instant purifying and detoxifying boost.

How to Make a Quick DIY Facial Spray

A DIY facial mist is a simple and effective way to defend and balance your skin. Facial mists also add benefits plain water doesn’t, and are perfect in a pinch. Here’s a quick DIY for a rejuvenating on-the-go spray – to will keep clogged pores at bay!

DIY Facial Mist


  • Green tea, lavender, tea tree, ginger, and peppermint essential oils, 2oz spray bottle

  • 2oz brewed and cooled organic green tea – hydrating, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, packed with defensive antioxidants

  • 5 drops peppermint oil – detoxifying; has a cooling effect on skin, making it perfect for hot temperatures and inflamed acne

  • 3 drops of tea tree oil – antibacterial, antiviral; helps soothe dry skin by reducing itching and irritation

  • 2 drops lavender oil – healing, anti-inflammatory, oil-regulating

  • 2 drops ginger oil – soothes redness, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, rich in antioxidants

Fill a 2oz spray bottle (reuse your empty bottle) with brewed, cooled, and filtered green tea. Dispense 15 drops of essential oils into the green tea; feel free to adjust the recipe above to your preference. Shake gently to distribute oils, and mist across the skin as needed.

Our skin is sensitive, so even the most innocent of daily activities can cause some unwanted breakouts if our pores are all clogged up. Knowing how to identify and guard against these culprits can help clean up your skin, and give you the clear complexion you deserve!

Frequently Asked Questions About Clogged Pores

What are the everyday causes of clogged pores?

Clogged pores can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Excess oil production: When your skin produces too much sebum, it can mix with dead skin cells and clog your pores.

  • Dead skin cells: If dead skin cells are not regularly removed, they can accumulate and block your pores.

  • Bacteria: Bacteria, such as Propionibacterium acnes, can thrive in clogged pores and cause inflammation.

  • Makeup: Using heavy or comedogenic makeup products can block pores.

  • Sweat: Not cleansing the skin after sweating can lead to clogged pores.

  • Pollution: Environmental pollutants can settle on your skin and contribute to clogged pores.

How can I prevent clogged pores after working out?

To prevent clogged pores after working out, follow these steps:

  • Cleanse immediately: Wash your face as soon as possible after exercising to remove sweat, oil, and dirt.

  • Use a gentle cleanser: Choose a cleanser that suits your skin type and effectively removes impurities without stripping your skin of natural oils.

  • Avoid touching your face: Keep your hands away from your face to prevent transferring bacteria and dirt.

  • Use clean towels: Always use a clean towel to wipe off sweat.

  • Shower promptly: If you can, take a full shower after working out to cleanse your entire body and avoid clogged pores on your chest and back.

  • Wear breathable fabrics: Opt for moisture-wicking, breathable fabrics during workouts to minimize sweat buildup.

Why does wearing a mask cause acne (maskne)?

Wearing a mask can cause acne, commonly referred to as “maskne,” due to several reasons:

  • Friction: The mask rubs against your skin, causing irritation and micro-tears, which can lead to breakouts.

  • Trapped moisture: Breathing and sweating under the mask create a humid environment, which can encourage bacterial growth and clog pores.

  • Occlusion: The mask creates a barrier that traps oils, dead skin cells, and bacteria against your skin.

  • Prolonged wear: Wearing a mask for extended periods without breaks can exacerbate these issues.

How does working outdoors contribute to clogged pores?

Working outdoors can contribute to clogged pores through:

  • Exposure to pollutants: Dust, dirt, and other environmental pollutants can settle on your skin and block pores.

  • Sweat and oil buildup: Increased physical activity and heat can cause your skin to produce more sweat and oil, which can clog pores if not properly cleansed.

  • Sun exposure: UV rays can thicken the outer layer of skin (the stratum corneum), leading to more dead skin cells that can clog pores.

  • Use of sunscreens: Some sunscreens can be comedogenic, especially if they are thick or not formulated for acne-prone skin.

What are the benefits of using a DIY facial mist?

DIY facial mists can offer several benefits:

  • Hydration: They can provide instant hydration to your skin, keeping it fresh and plump.

  • Cooling effect: Facial mists can cool and soothe your skin, especially during hot weather or after sun exposure.

  • Nutrient delivery: Depending on the ingredients, they can deliver beneficial nutrients and antioxidants to your skin.

  • Customization: You can tailor the ingredients to suit your specific skin needs, such as adding aloe vera for soothing or green tea for antioxidant properties.

  • Cost-effective: Making your own facial mist can be more affordable than purchasing commercial products.

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